Entries by Total Care Podiatry


Complimentary Paediatric Clinic  Every month at Total Care Podiatry we run a complimentary morning clinic to support the little feet that run around our community. We run short appointments designed to be a screening check of any areas of concern you may have for your child’s feet.  Commonly we check for:  ‘Tired legs’ Being clumsy […]

DIABETES AND SUMMER – If you have reduced feeling in your feet this blog is for you!

Diabetes and summer Previously discussed in these blogs was the effect of diabetes on the sensitivity of nerves. Over time, the nerves may have reduced sensitivity causing numbness and a loss of protective sensation. When this happens, there are certain things to consider to ensure your safety in summer. During the mid-summer heat, concrete becomes […]


Toenail bruising and injury Bruising of the toenails is very common. It can occur because of an injury (i.e. dropping something on it) or from repetitive stress to the area. This is frequently occurring in ballet dancers and football players due to the nature of their activities. When to see a podiatrist? –          If it causes […]

CORNS AND CALLUS – what are they and treatment

Corns and Callus Callus is the thickening of the skin on the hands and feet. On the feet, callus forms as a reaction from repeated high areas of pressure. This mechanism is to protect the skin from breaking down. Over time however this may lead to discomfort and bruising around the callus. Corns are similar […]

BALL OF FOOT SORE? You may have Morton’s Neuroma

Neuroma Is a condition where pain is caused by compression of the nerves between two bones. Most commonly in the foot this is a Morton’s Neuroma which occurs between the third and forth metatarsophalangeal joints. Most often, the tissues in and around the nerves at these locations become inflamed and swell between the bones. The […]

CAR ACCIDENT AND THE LOWER LIMBS – What can podiatry do?

Car accident and the lower limbs Trauma to the lower limbs will cause varying degrees of symptoms and/or disability depending on the location and severity of the injury. In some causes a nerve may be heavily injured which will result changes to sensation and muscle function. This is particularly evident in injuries to the outside […]

NARROW FITTING SHOES CAN CAUSE FOOT DAMAGE TO YOUR TOOTSIES! Check out our latest blog for more information…

Narrow Fitting Shoes When purchasing shoes, always ensure there is enough width around the toes. If a shoe is too narrow, it can lead to blisters and callus or corn development. Over time, the toes can become crowded and lead to pressure spots to develop. Common problem shoe types Slipper/’Slip ons’ or flats Loader Court […]