Surf Coast Trek 2024

The Total Care Podiatry team has completed another successful sponsorship of the

2024 Surf Coast Trek. This is the third year the team has been involved with volunteering to assist the trekkers as they complete the walk to raise much needed funds for Give Where You Live and Kids+. Here is a glimpse into our day at this successful event.


Participants for the event:

This year, the team was assisted once again by Jess McConnell from the Werribee Foot Clinic and Tim Leahy a welcomed new addition joined us from Bendigo Foot Clinic. Along with our own podiatrist Philip Spark & Kirrilee Lundberg.


Preparation for the event:

As sponsors, our team prepared to provide support to participants who were trekking. We stocked up on essential supplies which included blister treatments and foot lollies. We also educated ourselves on the challenges that trekkers may face during this massive trek.


On the Trek:

Throughout the event as sponsors and podiatrists, we provided support to any participants that required support on the day. From offering foot checks to sharing advise we were there every step of the way, ensuring trekkers could enjoy the experience comfortably.

Collectively, the team helped over 60 trekkers with a variety of different issues, from popping of 20 sets of blisters, taping up 11 heels and arches for foot pain, cutting 5 sets of nails and even re-soling a pair of shoes with sports tape! Many trekkers asked for spare dressings and footwear advice after the event. Walkers were offered lolly gummy feet for their trek and the 1200 packs were very quick to disappear! The message is getting through as so many more participants are taping for blister prevention who ultimately complete the trek with nothing but encouragement and a foot lolly.


Post Trek Reflections:

As sponsors and podiatrist, we are grateful for the opportunity to support such a wonderful and meaningful event and are committed to continuing our sponsorship in the future and our team look forward to supporting again in 2025. After this years’ experience, they will definitely have the extra tape needed for shoe repairs on the run!